Emmanuel CISCO
… a life destined to provide HOPE for the world by Helping Other People Excel!
Emmanuel Cisco is a sought-after inspirational speaker and a celebrated author currently residing in Ghana. As an icon of inspiration in his generation, he’s dedicated his life to pursuing his mission of HOPE – Helping Other People Excel. He’s currently leading a team of 30 passionate young people from 8 African countries on a nationwide Youth Empowerment Campaign in Ghana called “HOPE Campaign®” with the goal: to inspire and empower at least 10,000 young people across Ghana.
If you’re not willing to work on something with your life, don’t expect something to work out for you in this life. Today, most people work like ELEPHANTS (physically hardworking) and end up eating like ants; while few people work like ANTS (mentally hardworking) and end up eating like elephants. By the way, why did the Bible say if you need WISDOM, you should go to the ant? Why didn’t God rather send us to the elephant for wisdom?
Listen. Life does not reward people based on how HARD THEY WORK; life rewards people based on the RESULT THEY PRODUCE. Truth be told, no one really cares about how much sweat comes from your #BODY when you work; the world is only interested in how much fruits come from your #MIND when you think. If you can’t crack #TheEmpowermentCODE today, you will continue to always overwork and be underpaid! Think about it!

The Empowerment
What do you personally consider as the key to success and fulfillment? Is it prayer? Is it education? Or do you think the key to success is hardwork? What if I told you that there’s absolutely no single key to success? Success is actually CODED! In other words, there’s no one secret to success, there’s a SYSTEM. And this book will help you understand the system and inspire you to crack The CODE…
What do you personally consider as the key to success and fulfillment? Is it prayer? Is it education? Or do you think the key to success is hardwork? What if I told you that there’s absolutely no single key to success? Success is actually CODED! In other words, there’s no one secret to success, there’s a SYSTEM. And this book will help you understand the system and inspire you to crack The CODE…

What do people say?
Testimonials from the folks who changed their lives – for better.